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KannonBALLER Spotlight: #35 Team Rally Life

Derek and Amy Van Den Top make up Team Rally Life and are a couple of rally veterans. We can't wait to see what they bring out to KB2018!

What is your team name and number this year?

Team Rally Life I think #27 not sure

How many Kannonball/Falls have you done?

1 kannonball and the unofficial 1st fall tour and then 1st official kannonfall

What made you want to sign up for Kannonball?

Meeting great new car people with same interest and passion for cars

You only have $5000, what car do you buy and why?

Any kind of fun station wagon with some serious power just love the wagon bodies for its many capabilities

You have $50,000 what car do you buy and why?

Downpayment on mclaren 720s :D

What is your favorite thing about your car?

Don't have a car right now in the hunt for a new Kannonmobile!

What does dream road trip look like?

Driving from Sioux Falls out west to Seattle with stops on the way going town hwy 1 down to California and looping back east through the great southwest and Rockies before heading home

Tell us your favorite memory from previous Kannonballs/falls?

Having fun at the manor and hanging out with friends and making new ones and new memories

Check out Derek and his new ride on Kannonball 2018!

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