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KannonBALLER Spotlight: #10 Team Rally Beaver

KF and CB vets, Rally Beaver, is in our spotlight today! #10 is driven by Chris Russo and navigated by Kelly Sisco, we can not get enough of this hilarious couple :)

What is your team name and number this year?

Rally Beaver, This name was created while on Kannonfall 2017 at one of the Canadian checkpoints. We bought a small stuffed beaver as a checkpoint challenge. It was named The Rally Beav by Team Haaster as we were traveling with them to the Checkpoint.

Our Number is 10, this comes from our daughters years of playing soccer. It was always her number of choice. Her reasoning " Perfect 10"

How many Kannonball/Falls have you done?

#1 Kannonfall 2017

#2 Cactusball 2018

What made you want to sign up for Kannonball?

We love the friends we've made here! Hanging with like minded friends as we hit checkpoints through different areas has been a blast for Kelly and I.

You only have $5000, what car do you buy and why?

I remember the days when having a $5000 car would've been a pleasure!! If I was to buy a 5K car now I wouldn't be to picky. But it would probably be a S-10 with a V8 conversion, I had a one and it was a ton of fun!

You have $50,000 what car do you buy and why?

AMG Mercedes. There is no need to explain. AMG enough said.

What is your favorite thing about your car?

We drive our 2001 Plymouth Prowler. This car was named Child Support. Two years after I was done paying child support I bought the car with the money I was paying. I always took pride in making sure I wasn't the "deadbeat dad"!

This was my reward. I love this car, I grew up in MI and this car was everywhere when I was younger but way out of my price range as I was starting a young family! I have loved this car since it was in the Detroit Auto Show!

What does dream road trip look like?

I don't think the car would matter as much as making sure my "marginal" navigator is along! I'm sure it would involve the west coast and NO CELL PHONE!!! LOL

Tell us your favorite memory from previous Kannonballs/falls?

Man, with only a couple under my belt, I have so many!!! I'd have to say one of my favorites was on Cactusball, when I was with Tyler, Molly, Alex and I knew the "shortcut"!!! By the way never get a flat tire when the official rally photographer is along! You'll see some great photos of how to change a tire in the middle of the desert!!

Check out the Rally Beav on KB18!

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