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This blog we are highlighting Team #87 and their unpronounceable name! Driven by Chris Munger and sporting one of our favorite colors for this car.

What is your team name and number this year?

#87, FLÜGGÅӘNKб€ČHIŒßØLĮÊN I wanted a subtly funny team name, and anyone who has seen Eurotrip will get the joke. One of these days I’ll come up with a better one.

How many Kannonball/Falls have you done?

I’ve done two, and am signed up for two more.

What made you want to sign up for Kannonball?

Scott Christianson texted me and told me about it. I thought it sounded like a great activity to do with my son who was off at his first year of college.

What car (make/model/year/color) are you driving on Kannonball this year?

2015 BMW M4, Sakhir Orange

What is your most embarrassing car story?

I was leaving Cars and Coffee last year, and when I got in my car, the key fob trunk release got pressed. I didn’t notice it until I got on the exit road, so I did the “parade exit” in front of everyone with my trunk open.

Tell us the story of your car, what made you want to buy this one?

After I signed up for the Kannonball last year, I sent my son back to school with my Yukon after spring break so I could get the Rally livery on his Infiniti G37S. I’d been driving nothing but trucks and SUV’s for 25 years, and driving that made me realize cars could be fun again. I decided I could justify a fun car and started shopping. I really wasn’t considering an M car, but the Color caught my eye and the test drive cinched it.

What is your first car related memory?

The first one I can articulate into a story was when I was 12 years old. This is way back when the cool new thing was to rent VCR’s and movies so I had some friends stay over to watch a couple movies. My parents left, we hooked up the VCR, and it didn’t work. I called the rental place and they said to bring it in and exchange it. Well, I was friggin’ 12, so of course the logical solution was to hop in the big ol’ farm truck with my friends, drive back roads the 10 miles into town and exchange it. The next morning at breakfast, my dad says “You forgot to move the seat back.” I almost got away with it.

What is your dream road trip car?

Huracan Spider. Perfect amount of flash, but comfortable enough enjoy a long drive.

What is one thing you have in your car at all times and why?

LOL I’ve actually started keeping a detail basket in the M4. If you’re ever at a car meet and find yourself lookin at some smudges or dust, just give a holler. I generally have about 300 microfibers on hand at any given time.

What advice do you have for rally rookies?

2 things: First, a navigator is key. Driving solo sucks. I tried to pull it off at KannonFall, and it was a giant fail. You need somebody on Google and navigation while you’re driving, and helping at checkpoints. Second, It’s easy to get caught up in the rush-rush. Have fun, but be smart and don’t be a douche in traffic. We’ve got a good thing going, don’t be the guy who ends up ruining it for everybody.

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